If you’d like to show your support for my work as a metal detectorist, there are a few ways you can help!
1. Contribute a few dollars
If you would like to support me monetarily, even just a few dollars helps buy 9-volt batteries for my pinpointer and pay for state and national park entry and parking fees. Thank you for any contributions to my Venmo (@geekybeach).

@geekybeach on Venmo
2. Geekybeach Tote Bag
How about a geeky beach tote bag? Use it for groceries or for carrying your own gear to the beach!
These bags are produced by Cotton Bureau through my store. When you click the button below, a new website tab will open on Cotton Bureau where you can place your order.
3. Buy some Geekybeach Gear
How about a cute T-shirt? You don’t have to be a geeky beach yourself, but if you’re into metal detecting or follow me on Instagram, this is a supporter shirt that will help fund my activities and beach cleaning!
These T-shirts are produced by Cotton Bureau through my store. You can customize the color and shirt types to suit your taste. The default is a charcoal gray T-shirt, but there are several other beautiful options.
When you click the button below, a new website tab will open on Cotton Bureau where you can place your order.
Thank you for your support!