Across the country, there are numerous metal detecting clubs! Each one has similar missions to share information about the hobby, provide help in their communities, and gather to share stories. Many groups have traditionally met in person in local community centers, but it can sometimes be difficult to gather in person consistently. Many groups have turned to online communication using Facebook groups, or hold virtual meetings via video.

For the immediate San Francisco Bay Area, I founded the Bay Area Metal Detecting Association (BAMDA) in 2022 to meet and gather with Bay Area and San Francisco locals who enjoy metal detecting.

Use the link below to visit our website:
Bay Area Metal Detecting Association

In the greater San Francisco Bay Area, there are several groups including:

East Bay Prospectors

Mount Diablo Metal Detecting Club

Sacramento Valley Detecting Buffs

Hopefully if you’re in the Bay Area and are interested in joining a club, one of those groups may be closest to you! Because BAMDA is a fairly new group, we don’t have as many events scheduled yet. Be sure to check out each of the clubs above and find a community to join!

Regardless of location, nearly all metal detecting groups follow a code of ethics which is sometimes based on the code created by the Federation of Metal Detector & Archaeological Clubs. The primary aim of a code of ethics is to ensure that we respect the property that we access and leave things nicer than we found it. There are some additional reminders in the FMDAX code of ethics and you can read the full list on the FMDAC website.

If you’re a metal detectorist or enthusiast located close to San Francisco, visit the Bay Area Metal Detecting Association to learn more and join the club!